Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Pride, Not Prejudice

That's the theme for San Francisco's Pride this year. I thought it was cute. Anyways, Brittany is right. Graduating is a crazy time so sorry for the long hiatus. This is going to be short because I'm still trying to get my life together after having been evicted from college, but I thought this was pretty great news: Deval Patrick went to Pride in Boston! article here. Apparently he is the first sitting governer in mass to do such a thing, which seems a little crazy/sad to me, but also I'm really happy he did. AND he's black. this just seems great to me. I wasn't in boston at the time, but I'm pretty psyched for Chicago Pride. if we do a little quick math, it would seem that since Chicago the city is infinitely cooler than Boston the city, Chicago Pride should be the best time anyone's ever had in their lives. sweet.